Blocking escape routes with FSU

Blocking function

In some cases, escape routes may be temporarily unusable due to hazardous situations, construction work or changes in the use of the building. Blocked emergency exits must be safely marked so that the correct escape route is used immediately in an emergency.

When an escape route is suddenly no longer an escape route

Imagine… During shop opening hours, there are two escape routes available in a shopping centre. Of these, one path leads through the warehouse, the other through the shopping centre and out to the assembly point.

The rolling shutter that serves as the entrance to the shop during the day is already closed. The legally prescribed escape route is no longer usable. The blocked emergency exit is marked with a red blocking cross so that the correct escape route is used immediately in an emergency.

Scenario during normal operation Scenario during normal operation
Scenario after opening hours Scenario after opening hours

Technical documentation

Have you found the right solution? Here you will find technical data on it.

Need more information? No problem.

That is not all.

FSU functions

Are you looking for similar designs? With these FSU solutions, other escape route scenarios can be easily implemented.

FSU "on board"

With the decentralised SU NET group battery system, you are perfectly equipped, without additional effort, to switch between individual escape route scenarios. Discover the other benefits of a decentralised power supply for your project.


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