More protection for more people

City hall Graz

The City Hall Graz in Graz-Jakomini is the largest event hall in Graz. The hall, which can be extended to a maximum of 14,000 m², consists of an upper and ground floor.

In the well-attended and already longer-existing event hall, an application was made for an increase in the number of permitted persons. This application was approved thanks to the emergency lighting measures required in the notification. The fire protection report required an additional escape routing concept for the current emergency lighting in the building.

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Steer fleeing persons in different directions

In order to better distribute the large number of people, the refugees must be directed in two directions. The solution is FLOOR-emergency sign panels close to the floor on the wall and suspended from the ceiling which directs the escaping crowd in two directions. To ensure that the escape route is clearly visible even in the event of a smoke, a flashlight on the directional arrows increases the attention. With this measure more people will be able to enjoy the event centre in the future.

Escape routing concept City Hall Graz

A solution to divide crowds in a targeted way and provide several escape routes.

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Some of the products we used

Lights diversity for every requirement.

Dynamic adaptive escape routing

FSU - The new emergency lighting

The siren sounds, the light goes out and one thing is clear: You need to get out. As fast as possible!Particularly in the dark or when smoke develops, there is often panic and disorientation. In such cases, it is all the more important to use the right escape route. The escape route scenario switching meets the latest state of research and technology ...

Standard-compliant and yet unique

Customised solutions

Whether you have special requirements for your project or want to realise an unusual idea, our department for individual solutions, our own special machines and almost 40 years of experience in the emergency lighting world make your visions not only feasible, but also quick and easy to implement.Immerse yourself in the limitless world of ...

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