Modern energy management on 2224m altitude

Mountain restaurant at the Nebelhorn, Oberstdorf (Germany)

The highest summit gastronomy in the Allgäu region was rebuilt from April to December 2016 and had to overcome a couple of challenges. In addition to the requirement to bring construction machinery up to an altitude of 2224m, this also included the weather which provided variety with snowfall in July.

During the reconstruction of the summit station, attention was not only paid to reopen the view to the Nebelhorn summit, the topic of sustanibility also played an important role. Nature is a precious commodity, therefore a conversion in this breathtaking landscape must be planned well and efficiently.

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Resource-saving and discreet

The energy management-concept includes energy-efficient emergency lighting, in addition to the energy-saving mountain railway and the ecological building concept. For many years din-Sicherheitstechnik has been striving to integrate safety lighting in the architectural lighting image the most resource-friendly and discreet way possible.

Project details

Architect: Hermann Kaufmann ZT GmbH
Principal: Das Höchste - Bergbahnen Kleinwalsertal Oberstdorf
Lighting designer: Remm Manfred
Building type: Restaurants
Product family: STRING ARC, CONCEPT 2, SU NET, BASIC 2, EyE

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Some of the products we used

Lights diversity for every requirement.

Decentralised group battery system PLC24


The Supply Unit with NET functionality is a compact and decentralised supply unit (LPS = Low Power System) that powers and monitors all luminaires by fire section and that is checked on a regular basis for compliance with legislative requirements.Reduce your set-up costs, your energy consumption and increase the general safety level with ...

Our functional luminaire series


With our functional luminaire portfolio of the BASIC 2 series, your project can be implemented easily and flexibly. The luminaire series is available for all our emergency lighting systems and with our usual 50,000 h/ 5,7 year din full warranty .

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