Biggest, completely accessible summit cross in the world

Jacob’s Cross/St. Ulrich in Tyrol

The Jacob’s Cross in the Pillersee Valley is located on the pilgrim path to Santiago de Compostela/Spain. The cross serves not only as a pilgrimage destination, it is also an attractive excursion and event location of a special kind.

Outside the operating hours the permanent luminaires (escape sign luminaires) are switched to stand-by by means of contact from the alarm system. The builder did not want the luminaires to be switched on at night, as no people are in the building after operating hours. For the entire length of the staircase the CONCEPT wall mounted luminaire series was used. In the exhibition/ seminar areas the escape sign luminaires were mounted in the plasterboard ceiling with recessed ceiling installation. The illumination of the rooms was realized with STRING powerspot safety luminaires. During the whole project, special attention was paid to energy-efficient illumination by day and at night – the din-Sicherheitstechnik company made its contribution with the use of LED-luminaires and energy-saving lighting.

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Functional integrity in case of fire for 30 minutes

The building has only one escape route, therefore fire protection conditions were consequently strict. Additional heat sources had to be avoided and the only escape route had to be well illuminated. The emergency lighting system from din Sichereitstechnik ensures that the escape route is illuminated for 3 hours, in accordance with the regulations. In the event of a fire, the functional integrity is maintained for 30 minutes by means of fire-resistant E30 cabling, which was laid by the executive electrical company accordingly.

Project details

Architect: BM Ing. Josef Straif Planungs GmbH
Principal: Bergbahn Pillersee GmbH
Designer: Peter Klymiuk Elektroanlagen
Installer: Peter Klymiuk Elektroanlagen
Executed standards: ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8002, ÖNORM EN 1838
Building type: Rooms for a larger number of people (places of assembly)
Product family: CONCEPT 2, SU NET, Spots, STRING-Series

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Some of the products we used

Lights diversity for every requirement.

Quick mounting & flexible use


“Simply safe” meets the requirement of many operators, while installers demand a product that is “safely simple” and does not allow any installation errors. The CONCEPT 2 is an easy-to-install allrounder luminaire series that meets these requirements and saves time where time is scarce.

Decentralised group battery system PLC24


The Supply Unit with NET functionality is a compact and decentralised supply unit (LPS = Low Power System) that powers and monitors all luminaires by fire section and that is checked on a regular basis for compliance with legislative requirements.Reduce your set-up costs, your energy consumption and increase the general safety level with ...

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