Project of superlatives. Work period: 2005 – 2011

Airport Vienna Schwechat - Terminal 3

The new terminal at Vienna Airport brings advantages for all passengers: good links with the public transport system, shorter check-in times and better orientation thanks to an elaborate, barrier-free accessible escape routing concept. The din-Sicherheitstechnik company has contributed in the matter of security lighting: the guidance system at ground-level with floor luminaires of the FLOOR-luminaire range and “invisible” escape sign luminaires are an excerpt from it – din-Sicherheitstechnik has installed a total of 12.000 light spots.

Other features of the project include special versions of emergency and safety lighting due to structural and practical conditions. In the area of the newly constructed airport train station for example the whole emergency lighting system was adapted to the extreme pressure and suction requirements.

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A sophisticated emergency lighting concept

82 emergency lighting systems monitor the 270 m long construction in form of a crescent, which was opened in 2012. Whether on the commercial and the gastronomy spaces, the check-in counter or the visitor’s terrace – a solution has been found everywhere, so you can travel with a secure feeling.

Project details

Architect: Vorarlberger Büro Baumschlager Eberle und das Schweizer Büro IttenBrechbühl
Principal: Flughafen Wien AG
Designer: Freudensprung Engineering, (in Sub oder ARGE) mit Kölner Lichtplaner Kress & Adams
Installer: Kremsmüller Industrieanlagenbau KG
Building type: Transport facilities
Product family: CONCEPT 2, FSU - The new emergency lighting, Near-ground systems, Temporarily visible, EyE


Luminaires with adaptive flash function

Standards and guidelines point out that in buildings with increased risk an additional low-location guidance system can be required by authorities.


Low-location escape sign luminaire

Standards and guidelines point out that in buildings with increased risk an additional low-location guidance system can be required by authorities.

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Some of the products we used

Lights diversity for every requirement.

Display escape routes only when necessary with FSU

Temporarily visible

In practice, there are applications in which escape sign luminaires are rarely required and are rather disruptive during normal operation. “Invisible escape signs” can be integrated almost inconspicuously into walls or other support materials. Only in an emergency is the escape sign actively illuminated and safely indicates the escape route.

Quick mounting & flexible use


“Simply safe” meets the requirement of many operators, while installers demand a product that is “safely simple” and does not allow any installation errors. The CONCEPT 2 is an easy-to-install allrounder luminaire series that meets these requirements and saves time where time is scarce.

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