Geometry as an overall concept

Dornbirn City Library

A new municipal library opened in Dornbirn at the beginning of 2020. Already the façade, which represents an oversized bookshelf with about 8,000 stylised books, gives an impressive insight into what is inside. The 1200 square metre building offers space for up to 100,000 books and magazines, spread over three floors. Seating areas invite you to linger and the main room is used not only as a reading area but also for events.

In a building where geometric shapes play a major role, emergency lighting must also fit into the concept. Our STRING series in custom colouring rounds off the overall picture and the recessed version of our eco spots almost disappear into the ceiling.

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Custom format of STRING ARC

Our own department produced an individual solution especially for this project. In order to be able to use the existing concrete recessed housing, a special format of the STRING ARC was designed as a flush wall installation. This means that the emergency luminaire is installed directly above the entrance, without edges and flush with the exposed concrete, thus fitting in with the sophisticated architecture of the building.

Project details

Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten ZT GmbH, Christian Schmoelz Architekt ZT
Principal: Stadt Dornbirn
Designer: Licht- und Elektroplanungsbüro Hecht
Installer: ETG Gürtler GmbH
Building type: Educational institutions
Product family: STRING ARC, CONCEPT 2, SU NET, EyE, Spots, STRING-Series, Customised solutions

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Some of the products we used

Lights diversity for every requirement.

Standard-compliant and yet unique

Customised solutions

Whether you have special requirements for your project or want to realise an unusual idea, our department for individual solutions, our own special machines and almost 40 years of experience in the emergency lighting world make your visions not only feasible, but also quick and easy to implement.Immerse yourself in the limitless world of ...

Quick mounting & flexible use


“Simply safe” meets the requirement of many operators, while installers demand a product that is “safely simple” and does not allow any installation errors. The CONCEPT 2 is an easy-to-install allrounder luminaire series that meets these requirements and saves time where time is scarce.

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